
The Fashion Society

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Groundbreaking talent showcase: Fashion Factory

An innovative night of fashion creativity where designers showcase their work in a unique and challenging way.

This event pushes the boundaries of how we create, consume and enjoy fashion. Fashion shows can be inaccessible, predictable and bland, The Fashion Factory explodes the remits of fashion for one night and allows pure creativity to shine.

Guests will be encouraged to interact with the ‘models’ or to get involved, bring your sketchbook, camera or notebook and engage with the fashion on show.

The true beauty and worth of fashion lies in one-off acts or moments of genius and talent, it’s about time we all stopped sophisticating and start enjoying the primal, immediate pleasures that fashion can bring!

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One Response to Groundbreaking talent showcase: Fashion Factory

  1. Neville says:

    This is certainly a problem I need to do more research into, thanks for the posting.


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